

Created by Felipe Cagno

Welcome to the TFAC & Timberwolf Entertainment store! Please scroll down for all our books including digital editions of sold out titles like 321: Fast Comics. The Few and Cursed is a creator-owned comic book series about people trying to survive a wicked world where most of the water was gone overnight in a mysterious apocalyptic event in 1840. The Redhead is a hardened survivor that was born in this reality and now fights to protect the innocent. As the land fell into darkness a group of men and women decided to take a stand and fight back, they are known as Curse Chasers.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

⏰ 48 Hours Left: THE FEW AND CURSED #11 on Kickstarter + Fulfillment Update & Previews! 😈
about 20 hours ago – Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 08:05:27 AM

This is it, last call for all fans and readers to grab the next issue in The Great Deluge saga along with exciting collectible extras!! With over 14 Stretch Goals unlocked you can be sure you'll be getting your pledge's worth :D

Click here to head on over and pledge today!

This campaign has been nothing short of stellar but there’s always room for growth… so how about it? Think YOU could help us go even further? Maybe all the way up to $60K and a whole new set of holofoil collectible cards?


The good folks over at Galaxy Squad has already started manufacturing Series 1 of the Enamel Pins and I couldn't be more excited about it! The mock-ups look incredible and I have no doubt this will be a highly desirable collectible :D

If you missed out on adding the Enamel Pins to your TFAC#10 pledges, don't worry, you can still do it on the current Kickstarter campaign for issue #11. In fact, this time you can pick and choose what pins you'd like without having to purchase the whole series altogether.


Fabiano has wrapped up production of TFAC#10 and Tiago is now finishing up the colors, we're well on track to start fulfillment by the end of the month. All other items are also being finalized (like the Enamel Pins) and going into production.

The deck of cards and bookmarks for instance are pretty much done as we get ready to send them to print. I'm confident this fulfillment will really leave TFAC fans and readers impressed :D

Artwork for bookmark by Felipe Watanabe

Thank you all so much for supporting The Few and Cursed and I sincerely hope that support extends to the next issue as well. Remember: we've only got another 48hrs online, the campaign ends on Thursday \o/

All the best!

Digital files for PAST BOOKS & ISSUES have been distributed - check your emails (Spam included!) \o/
9 days ago – Mon, Mar 03, 2025 at 08:50:32 AM

Hiya folks!

Before I get into the TFAC#10 news I'd love to ask a few of you to pledge and support the latest campaign to fund the next book, issue #11.

We're going through the most difficult period of any Kickstarter campaign which is the middle "valley" where not a lot of pledges come in and we have to deal with cancellations here and there meaning sometimes we even have negative days - which is the case today.

Right now we are starting the day at -$148... yep, couple of days ago we were closer to our next Stretch Goal than we are today. So please, if you haven't pledged yet and you plan to do so today would be AMAZING :D

Click right here, head over to our KS page and put in your pledge. Thanks so much!!


While we are still finishing up production on issue #10 a couple of backers asked me if I could share the digital files for PAST BOOKS & ISSUES so they could catch up on the series and potentially jump on the current Kickstarter.

To make that happen I needed all backers to fulfill their BackerKit Surveys since digital distribution happens through those Surveys. Happy to say most of you have already completed the Surveys and we're good to start sending out files :D

About 200 backers should have gotten emails sent directly to their Kickstarter registered email accounts. All files have been sent with download instructions but here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

1- Check your Spam. E-mails have been sent by BackerKit and they can end up in your spam or junk folder. Please search for any and all e-mails coming from BackerKit.

2- BackerKit Surveys must have been filed out. I still have over 100 backers that have not filled out their surveys yet and without completed surveys no rewards will be sent - digital or otherwise, current or past books.

If you haven't filled out your survey please click the link below and you'll immediately and automatically get an e-mail with the digital files as soon as you complete them:

If you haven't received the digital files it's probably because you haven't filled out your surveys. If you are still not able to retrieve your personal Survey after clicking the link above please contact me at [email protected]  so we can get the good folks over at BackerKit on it.


Just wanted to confirm one more time that we're still finalizing production of The Few and Cursed #10 and TFAC: Hidden Away and the only files that were shared today were those of the following books:

  • The Few and Cursed issues #1 through #9
  • Chronicles of The Few and Cursed
  • TFAC: Shadow Nation
  • TFAC: Heart-Shaped Ambition
  • Painting the World Red
  • The Art of the TFAC Board Game

Last but not least, you all have the files in your e-mails you just need to find it in your inbox or junk folder. I will not send out any download links, digital distribution happens via BackerKit. It's the best way for me to protect the books and make sure everyone downloads their rewards.

For new readers coming into the world of The Few and Cursed I really hope you enjoy the books and come join us for The Few and Cursed #11 campaign :)

Thanks so much for your incredible support!

Much love,

What? You thought I wouldn't share a little something from issue #10... ;)

BackerKit Surveys closing TODAY! Charges happening tomorrow! TFAC#11 unlocking SGs! 🎯
16 days ago – Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 08:07:12 AM

Hey everyone!

Quick updates here. We're less than $70 from the next Stretch Goal over at the TFAC#11 Kickstarter campaign... any chance I can get a few of you to put in your pledges today and get us over the $40K mark?

Click here and join another 1275 backers, let's keep riding hard and fast through those Stretch Goals and prizes together :D


There are still almost 150 backers that have yet to fill out their Surveys, please do it today as they are closing in a few hours. 

If you fail to fill them out by the time they close your name will NOT be in the Thank You section and you risk forfeiting some of the more limited rewards since we won't tally your items before going to production.

Use the link below to retrieve your Survey if you can't find it in your email account:


This is a reminder that BackerKit will be charging your methods of payment tomorrow whether for shipping and any add-on items backers might have purchased. 

If by any chance your payment fails BackerKit will automatically send an email to update your Survey and try again. However, if anybody has any questions please don't hesitate to reach out either via DM or email at [email protected]


You have no idea what you're in for with issue #10... I've just gotten another batch of pages from Fabiano and wow... I cannot wait for everyone to get their books and read this issue, on behalf of everyone, this one feels pretty special :D

We're still on track with the dates I shared last time so I will literally copy-paste it here one more time:

  • February 24-25th: BackerKit Surveys lock down and credit cards are charged!
  • Early March: Production of the artwork is completed! We start prepping files to go to print including lettering and design of new products.
  • March 6-9th: Emerald City Comic Con!
  • March 13th: End of The Few and Cursed #11 campaign on Kickstarter!
  • Mid-March: Digital Distribution to backers that filled out their Surveys. We go to print!
  • Early April: Books in transit from China
  • Late April: Fulfillment begins through Laguna Studios (US domestic) & GamesQuest (Worldwide including Canada)
  • Early to Mid-May: Fulfillment completed!
  • Late May / Early June: Replacements of missing and/or damaged items in transit. 

That's it for today's update but I will continue to be in touch as everything progresses and when Fabiano/Tiago wrap up production. Thanks so much for your patience and support and for especially jumping on issue #11 without having read this one yet, means a lot of faith in our work :)

Much love!

Surveys closing on the 24th, New Art, Emerald City and TFAC#11 breaking records on KS! ☀️
21 days ago – Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at 06:55:31 AM

Hey partners!

We're coming up to 1250 backers on TFAC#11's campaign making it the fastest we ever hit this incredible milestone! 

Thanks so much for all that have pledged already and supported the new issue! With your incredible support we've managed to unlock almost a dozen Stretch Goals and we're this close to another one :D

Click here to pick up Issue #11 if you haven't done so and let's keep riding towards the sunset!


Onwards to TFAC#10 news and fulfillment, folks. This is a reminder to over 170 backers that have NOT filled out their BackerKit Surveys yet. Surveys will close up next Monday on February 24th.

If backers don't fill them out, they will miss out on their rewards and the pledge will be considered a donation to the project - especially because this time around we're collecting the shipping fees through BackerKit. 

Please check your emails for any messages coming from BackerKit directly, Surveys were sent a while back and are pretty easy and intuitive to fill out - no sign-up is required. They might be in your Spam or Junk folders.

If you can't spot the original email please use the link below to retrieve your personal survey, all you have to do is enter your email address associated with Kickstarter:


We will be charging your payment methods the next day the Surveys close on February 25th and you'll immediately see the charge in your statements. This is a heads-up to avoid any potential disputes. 

A number of times backers forget about their BackerKit Surveys and dispute the charges because they don't know what they are about - the statement will show though keywords like Timberwolf Entertainment, Few and Cursed and/or BackerKit.

These charges will help us cover the extras and add-ons plus shipping materials which we will be ordering as early as the first week of March.


Man, this issue is turning out absolutely fantastic! Both Fabiano and Tiago continue to work on the book and even though their progress has been a hair slower than anticipated the results though, holy smokes!

Every time I receive new pages in my email I giggle like a child at Christmas, seriously, their work has been phenomenal :D

I'm adjusting the proposed dates from the last update by a couple of weeks but we're still advancing and looking to fulfill all rewards in April with digital fulfillment happening a few weeks before then - hopefully before we wrap up the campaign for TFAC#11.

  • February 24-25th: BackerKit Surveys lock down and credit cards are charged!
  • Early March: Production of the artwork is completed! We start prepping files to go to print including lettering and design of new products.
  • March 6-9th: Emerald City Comic Con!
  • March 13th: End of The Few and Cursed #11 campaign on Kickstarter!
  • Mid-March: Digital Distribution to backers that filled out their Surveys. We go to print!
  • Early April: Books in transit from China
  • Late April: Fulfillment begins through Laguna Studios (US domestic) & GamesQuest (Worldwide including Canada)
  • Early to Mid-May: Fulfillment completed!
  • Late May / Early June: Replacements of missing and/or damaged items in transit. 


Both Fabiano and I will be at the Artists Alley of the Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle on March 6th through the 9th! If you are in the area and would love to get your books signed we will be more than happy to see you all for a chat :D

And don't forget we recently launched The Few and Cursed official Instagram account too so if you'd like to check out some amazing artwork and be first in line to hear exciting news give us a follow:

Click here to find us on Instagram 📸

I will be back in touch next week to confirm the Surveys have closed but until then if anybody needs anything or have any questions feel free to drop a comment or email me at [email protected]

Thanks so much!

Few&Cursed #11 LIVE on Kickstarter! New pages of TFAC#10 revealed, production almost done! :D
about 1 month ago – Thu, Feb 06, 2025 at 11:43:18 AM

Howdy folks!

We are less than 60 backers away from hitting the incredible 1.000 backers mark on The Few and Cursed #11 campaign! If we manage to get there today that will be the fastest we ever made it to 1K backers :D

Can I get some of you to come on over and put in a pledge by any chance?

Click here to pledge and help us break our own record!


As previously announced we're wrapping up production of Issue #10 and I've got some exciting sneak peeks to share with y'all. We are still on track to finish up production by mid-February with Fabiano tackling the last few pages of the book and Tiago already working on colors.

This is an issue I'm really excited about because it truly packs a punch and it was awesome writing up Nobody.

We cannot wait for you all to get your hands on The Few and Cursed #10 \o/

We're still on track with the dates I shared in my previous Updates and I will leave them up here one more time so it's easier for all backers to keep track of our progress. While a lot can happen and these are tentative dates, we will work diligently to keep them as is:

  • Mid-February: Production of the artwork is completed! We start prepping files to go to print including lettering and design of new products.
  • February 4th at 4pm EST: Launch of The Few and Cursed #11 on Kickstarter!
  • February 24th: BackerKit Surveys are locked and we go to print!
  • February 28th: Digital Distribution to backers that filled out their Surveys.
  • Late March / Early April: Fulfillment begins through Laguna Studios (US domestic) & GamesQuest (Worldwide including Canada)
  • End of April: Fulfillment completed!
  • May: Replacements of missing and/or damaged items in transit.

Thanks so much for supporting The Few and Cursed and make sure to follow us on Instagram too, we've been updating the account pretty regularly with both new and old artworks of Redhead and the TFAC universe.

Follow us on Instagram 📸

See you all on TFAC#11's Kickstarter campaign :D
