Welcome to the TFAC & Timberwolf Entertainment store! Please scroll down for all our books including digital editions of sold out titles like 321: Fast Comics.
The Few and Cursed is a creator-owned comic book series about people trying to survive a wicked world where most of the water was gone overnight in a mysterious apocalyptic event in 1840.
The Redhead is a hardened survivor that was born in this reality and now fights to protect the innocent. As the land fell into darkness a group of men and women decided to take a stand and fight back, they are known as Curse Chasers.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
BackerKit Surveys have been sent! Check your e-mails (including Spam) to fill them out: they are MANDATORY! Plus TFAC#11 launching tomorrow \o/
about 1 month ago
– Mon, Feb 03, 2025 at 10:54:15 AM
Quick reminder: we're launching TOMORROW (Feb. 4th) at 4pm EST the campaign to fund production and printing of The Few and Cursed #11! If you haven't signed up yet for the launch use the link or image above and make sure to be notified as soon as we launch ;)
We have Early Bird specials for all pledges coming in during the first 24hrs of the campaign, who's joining me in having our biggest TFAC launch ever?!
As outlined in my previous Update I am sending out all the BackerKit Surveys! About 88% of backers that received their Surveys already as part of our Smoke Test already filled them out and no issues were reported which is awesome :D
Consider this the official start of the fulfillment of this exciting TFAC issue and what's probably the most important step since I need you all to do your part too.
And if you don't fill them out you won't receive any rewards included in your pledge tier - digital files too!
Yep, it's that important.
Shipping will be collected through BackerKit since it was not charged during the campaign on Kickstarter. We've been able to accurately calculate shipping and offer backers all over the world the best fees possible - international backers will NOT have to pay any VAT or other fees other than shipping on BackerKit.
I also use BackerKit to tally up every single item we're sending to production, digital fulfillment and it's a vital tool to organize and generate shipping reports to GamesQuest and Laguna Studios.
Without the Surveys filled out, if you don't provide your information on BackerKit, we can't ship you your rewards. If that happens your pledge will be considered a donation to the project and we won't have any obligation of fulfillment.
Please fill out your BackerKit Surveys.
All of you, every single backer, should have received by now e-mails directly from BackerKit asking you to fill out the Surveys. They are easily accessible from the e-mails sent and pretty straightforward, all you gotta do is follow the steps and instructions. No sign-in required.
I will lock down the surveys on February 24th in time to go to print and if you don't get them filled by then you do risk missing out on some of the most limited items. Please fill those sooner than later so I can put in the printing order as accurately as possible.
Also, if you miss the deadline above YOUR NAME WILL NOT BE IN THE THANK YOU PAGE. Last Kickstarter campaigns I had a number of backers ask me why their names weren't in there, well, that's why.
If you haven't received your BackerKit Survey invite please follow these steps:
Keep an eye out on your Spam Folder and/or Junk Mail. E-mails will come either directly from BackerKit or myself (Felipe Cagno) and will say on the subject line Response Needed -- Get your rewards for The Few and Cursed#10.
If you don't spot them manually then try using the "Search" feature on your e-mail account page and look for either my name or BackerKit.
*IMPORTANT: Make sure you are checking the right e-mail account. It is the same e-mail you used to register an account on Kickstarter.
Also, if your Kickstarter pledge was made under a "privaterelay.apple.id" email address, you will need to contact us with an alternate email address. This would be the case if you registered to Kickstarter on your iPhone letting the phone set up the account for you.
Backerkit cannot send email or survey links to those addresses, so we will need an alternate to complete your pledge.
If none of the above works then click the link below, hit the "Lost your Survey?" and input your Kickstarter registered e-mail when prompted.
How to Upgrade or Switch your Pledge Level
On the very first screen backers will have the chance to upgrade or switch pledge levels. There is a little clickable button that says "or switch your pledge level" just underneath the big green Get Started! button as pictured below.
If you would like to go for a higher tier the system will charge you the difference at the end of the process and if you pledged for one of the top tiers already but would like to spend the cash in a different way then the system will use the overpaid difference as extra credit to be used towards Add-ons.
You will also be able to add a number of other graphic novels, cards, collectibles and more to your pledges.
That includes the original The Few and Cursed series in single Black & White issues or trade paperback format, the slipcase with original design, the spin-off anthology Chronicles of The Few and Cursed, TFAC: Shadow Nation. TFAC: Heart-Shaped Ambition, all our collectible cards and more.
Also available are all my other original comic books and graphic novels.
PLEASE NOTE:Credit cards are not charged immediately. They are only charged after the surveys lock on February 24th.
Shipping Issues, Missing Rewards or any other problems
Glitches might happen. I'm prone to mistakes so if you notice anything out of place do not hesitate to either leave a comment on this update, shoot me a message or e-mail me at [email protected]
As I've mentioned before, we did a smoke test with a few of you and it seemingly went alright, nothing reported. If you have any problems filling out the surveys or adding items to your pledge I'm always here to help make this experience as smooth as possible.
And because credit cards aren't charged immediately you can just add items at your convenience, finalize the order and if there's anything wrong with pricing or shipping, anything out of place really, we can correct it before any charges go through.
I'm trying to cover any and all big questions in this one long update but obviously if there is still anything confusing do not hesitate to contact me. I might not answer right away but I usually get back to everyone within 24 hours.
If you are a new The Few and Cursed fan there will be plenty for you to browse and add to your pledge, if you are a returning backer this is the perfect opportunity to fill any gaps in your collection. Take your time, go through our stuff and always know I'm here to help.
I leave you all with my most heartfelt thanks for rocking this Kickstarter and being really patient as we move through production to deliver a complete and new The Few and Cursed experience.
Here is our most up to date calendar one more time and even though dates constantly move as fulfillment progress these are pretty close now that we're about to go to print.
Mid-February: Production of the artwork is completed! We start prepping files to go to print including lettering and design of new products.
February 3rd: BackerKit Surveys sent out! <-----------------
February 4th at 4pm EST: Launch of The Few and Cursed #11 on Kickstarter!
February 24th: BackerKit Surveys are locked and we go to print!
February 28th: Digital Distribution to backers that filled out their Surveys.
Late March / Early April: Fulfillment begins through Laguna Studios (US domestic) & GamesQuest (Worldwide including Canada)
End of April: Fulfillment completed!
May: Replacements of missing and/or damaged items in transit.
Don't forget we're launching TOMORROW the Kickstarter campaign to fund The Few and Cursed #11 - that means a whole new set of collectible items unlocked exclusively through Kickstarter.
Thanks so much for supporting The Few and Cursed and the Redhead, you guys are amazing!
Cheers, Felipe
BackerKit Surveys SMOKE TEST sent to 5% of backers! All surveys coming up next week! TFAC#11 launching too \o/
about 1 month ago
– Wed, Jan 29, 2025 at 06:14:29 AM
Howdy, folks!
As outlined in my previous Update we've got the Pledge Manager Surveys coming up and they are mandatory to fill out.
More now than ever since that's where we will be collecting shipping fees and addresses!
We're also wrapping production on the book with Fabiano tackling the last few pages and man they look fantastic, this issue was a blast to work on :D
BackerKit Surveys will be distributed next Monday, February 3rd and as soon as they do I will reach out with another Update with specific and detailed instructions even though they are pretty standard and easy to fill out - no sign in or sign up required.
The smoke test is a period where ~5% of the backers are randomly chosen to receive the surveys first in order to make sure everything is running smoothly or address any questions if needed.
Backerkit usually suggests waiting until 75% of those are complete, roughly 48 to 72hours, before sending the rest, so we are right on time to send all surveys to everyone on Monday (February 3rd) at the latest.
If you are one of those 5%, please fill out your survey so that the smoke test isn't held up!
In the meantime if anybody has any questions or comments do not hesitate to reach out either via comments, DM or an email to [email protected]
We were aiming to wrap up production on TFAC#10 by the end of this week and we're really close but both Tiago and Fabiano have asked for a bit more time to make sure the quality in their art doesn't drop.
I will go over the calendar again adjusting for their request but we're still on track to fulfill the campaign as announced when we launched the campaign. And we're going straight from one issue to another. As soon as they finish up issue #10 they will immediately start working on issue #11.
And you can sign up right now to be notified of our launch and enjoy exclusive Day 1 discounts across all reward tiers! Just hit the link or image above to sign up and get a ping as soon as the campaign launches on February 4th at 4pm EST \o/
Here's our updated Production Calendar:
Mid-February: Production of the artwork is completed! We start prepping files to go to print including lettering and design of new products.
February 3rd: BackerKit Surveys sent out! <-----------------
February 4th at 4pm EST: Launch of The Few and Cursed #11 on Kickstarter!
February 24th: BackerKit Surveys are locked and we go to print!
February 28th: Digital Distribution to backers that filled out their Surveys.
Late March / Early April: Fulfillment begins through Laguna Studios (US domestic) & GamesQuest (Worldwide including Canada)
End of April: Fulfillment completed!
May: Replacements of missing and/or damaged items in transit.
As you can see from the dates above we're on track to keep to the dates when the campaign launched and I couldn't be happier about. As always the calendar is subject to change for many many reasons but my team and I will do our best to keep these as is.
You'll also notice we're switching fulfillment partners for US domestic fulfillment. I'm very grateful to TCG for over two years of partnership but we're signing up with Laguna Studios which specializes in comic book fulfillment making sure orders go out as protected as possible.
I'm really excited about the prospect of working together with Laguna and look forward to using their expertise :D
I will be back in touch on Monday and I hope to see all of you on Tuesday for our biggest launch ever with The Few and Cursed #11!
Much love, Felipe
January Update! Happy new year with new art and fulfillment dates updated \o/
2 months ago
– Tue, Jan 07, 2025 at 12:50:25 PM
Hello beautiful backers!
Hope y'all doing great in the new year and looking forward to great things ahead, I wish you all a terrific 2025! I'm personally excited about everything we have planned for The Few and Cursed this year and I can't wait to get started :D
Production on TFAC#10 has been going on beautifully and Fabiano is currently working on the very last third of the book while Tiago has already started coloring the first half.
We're still aiming to have the book completed by the end of this month and we're right on track to make that happen.
Not much has changed after the last Update, we're still working within the same dates as previously announced with a slight adjustment from mid-January to end of the month for completion of the artwork.
Aside from overseeing the work on TFAC#10 I've already started working on the next issue both on the script and covers, the Kickstarter video and whatnot. As soon as we complete the digital fulfillment of issue #10 we plan on launching the campaign to fund issue #11.
End of January: Production of the artwork is completed! We start prepping files to go to print including lettering and design of new products.
Late January / early February: BackerKit Surveys sent out & we go to print!
By February 15th: Digital Distribution to backers that filled out their Surveys
February: Launch of The Few and Cursed #11 on Kickstarter!
Mid to Late March: Fulfillment begins through TCG (US domestic) & GamesQuest (international)
April: Fulfillment completed!
May: Replacements of missing and/or damaged items in transit
We are actually less than a month away from the launch of TFAC#11 on Kickstarter. Covers are already in the works and I just completed the script for the Video Animation to promote the project.
You'll be hearing from me periodically about the new launch and I really hope we have another sensational go here on Kickstarter as we continue working towards the season finale with issue #12.
It's been a blast working on The Great Deluge and there are still a few twists and turns on the horizon so stay tuned!
Small preview of TFAC#11 exclusive cover by artist Ben Bradi
With production on TFAC#10 coming to an end I will be a lot more vocal in the next few weeks so expect to hear from me sooner than later. If anybody needs to reach out for whatever reason everyone is welcome to drop a comment, DM or an email at [email protected]
I really appreciate your support, thanks for being a part of The Few and Cursed!
Cheers, Felipe
November Update! Check out new previews, the Redhead makes her way to OverPower & more!!
4 months ago
– Fri, Nov 08, 2024 at 02:09:43 PM
Before I go into The Few and Cursed #10 news I'd love to share something that is absolutely exciting for me. Back in 1995 a Marvel trading card game called OverPower came out.
I was 11 years old at the time, my dad bought me my first started deck and for the next few years I was absolutely addicted to OverPower. I was part of a community in Brazil that got together in the weekends to play, there were tournaments, a number of sets were released all featuring Marvel characters and then DC and Image Comics as well.
It was a huge part of my life and a big influence on The Few and Cursed board game. When Mike Gnade asked me what kind of board games I enjoyed, I told him about OverPower and how I missed it. He went to develop a deck-builder.
OverPower was discontinued in early 2000s and to be perfectly honest it faded into oblivion, nobody talked about it anymore. It became a cherished part of my childhood... until now \o/
Imagine my surprise and happiness when I saw OverPower was back and had a booth at New York Comic Con. I was over the moon! And then I met Ron and Joe, the guys responsible for bringing it back, and we clicked right away.
I am already a backer and I invite all of you to join me and see what made OverPower so beloved back int eh 90's... plus there's this as well:
Yeah... a dream come true. Not only OverPower is back but my characters will be part of it. How cool is that?!
Here's the copy the good folks at Lazarus Rising Games, the company behind the relaunch of the OverPower card game cooked up for this very special announcement:
"We are excited to announce that The Few and Cursed has partnered with The OverPower Card Game to bring you this exclusive TFAC collectable OverPower promo card.
This promotional 7 Fighting Power card will only exist with this art if you pledge the Hero Tier or above and will be included in the 2023 Foil Promo card stretch goal that has already been unlocked!!!
This card will be HIGHLY collectable so pledge the OverPower kickstarter which ends on November 13th while you still can!
Lazarus Rising Games is excited to be partnered with The Few and Cursed and we plan on having playable versions of The Redhead and other characters from this acclaimed comic series in the future.
Check out this relaunch and learn why OverPower is one of the most beloved Card Games of all time!"
Alright, onwards to the production of TFAC#10. I'm stoked to share Fabiano has finished up laying out the entire book and it flows fantastic, it's basically a giant action scene from beginning to end.
We're currently halfway through production as well after the layouts. Come next week Tiago will be jumping on colors.
And the work on the next issue has already started as well... that's right, artists have been picked and locked for the cover of The Few and Cursed #11 and as soon as we go to print with #10, we're launching the new Kickstarter campaign :D
Cover ideas and layouts for The Few and Cursed #11 by Agustin Alessio!
Now that the whole book has been laid and we've been making constant progress, here's a first look at our production and fulfillment calendar keeping in mind these are estimates and will be adjusted as the project progress.
I will be sharing an Update every four to six weeks to keep you all in the loop and informed of any changes.
November-December: Pencils, inks & colors
Mid-January: Production of the artwork is completed! We start prepping files to go to print including lettering and design of new products.
End of January: BackerKit Surveys sent out & we go to print!
February: Digital Distribution to backers that filled out their Surveys
Early to mid-March: Launch of The Few and Cursed #11 on Kickstarter!
March: Fulfillment begins through TCG (US domestic) & GamesQuest (international)
April: Fulfillment completed!
May: Replacements of missing and/or damaged items in transit
I'm feeling pretty good about the dates above and hopefully we will stick to them but past backers know there are so much out of our control that can impact them.
Not only I will stay in touch you're all free to reach out via DM, comments or shooting an email at [email protected]
Thanks so much for being supportive of The Few and Cursed!!
Much love, Felipe
Our project was featured on the First Backer Newsletter, and we'd like to invite you to join its growing community of Kickstarter backers!
You'll receive fresh Kickstarter projects, and amazing early bird offers, as well as awesome freebies delivered right to your inbox.
One more Stretch Goal has been unlocked 😱
6 months ago
– Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 07:39:02 AM
Holy smokes...
I will keep this brief but apparently the newly launched Kickstarter LATE PLEDGE tool works! I went to sleep after the end of the campaign and we were really close to $52K and another Stretch Goal...
I wake up and to my astonishment we got there!!!
So that's an extra collectible card to every pledge towards a print copy of the book :D